Lenovo has announced in its Accelerate Transform 3.0 event a new autonomous augmented reality viewer, which will be available this year as part of the ThinkReality sub-brand designed to create smarter businesses.
The new AR ThinkReality A6 Headset is a standalone viewer with a resolution of 1080p per eye and 40º of FOV and integrates a Snapdragon 845, in addition to the Intel Movidius vision processing unit and Lumus waveguide optics. They claim that it is one of the lightest viewers in its segment with a weight of 380 grams, although it apparently uses an external system for processing that is connected by USB-C to the viewer.
They are a lightweight hands-free mobile AR glasses that can be used to work with AR business solutions of any level of complexity, and are designed for those companies that seek to boost the productivity of their staff,- They comment.
The A6 allows to use the voice, view, the hands, and a 3dof controller to carry out the interaction and includes two front cameras for absolute positioning and an RGB of 13 megapixels to share what we see. Its 6800 mAh battery guarantees a range of up to 4 hours.
The ThinkReality brand has been designed to help the workers of the companies to use applications of RA with which to receive assistance, to shorten the times of repair, to eliminate errors, to speed up complex workflows, to improve the quality of the training workshops, to cut expenses and collaborate.
“The ThinkReality platform allows users to highlight, interact and collaborate with 3D digital information in the real world, improving their efficiency and contextual perception.” The platform is able to work with any device and platform in the cloud, which will facilitate Companies can adopt AR and VR solutions under multiple operating systems, and different cloud services, along with devices such as the new ThinkReality A6, “they explain.
It is not the first time that we see Lenovo launching a viewer with features similar to those of HoloLens, as the company already introduced its daystAR device in July 2017.
ThinkReality is launched as part of the Developer Program through global business accounts, and the A6 viewer will be distributed in a limited way starting in the third quarter.
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from TechGenYZ http://bit.ly/30lA3iG