New HiSense smartphone with a professional camera lens

HiSense is one of the Chinese smartphone manufacturers that has now set foot in Europe. Since last year you can buy HiSense smartphones in the Netherlands, they are mainly budget and midrange smartphones.

Nevertheless, HiSense also seems to have the opportunity to design a new smartphone that stands out from the rest of the market. The company has filed a special design patent, a mobile phone design that we have not seen before.

HiSense telephone with professional camera lens

The design patent of Qingdao HiSense Electronic Technology Service was applied for mid-2018 at the Global Design Database of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Office). The patent was published on 14 May 2019 and shows a smartphone that has the appearance of a professional digital camera on the back.

The front contains a full-screen design, only at the bottom we see a narrow screen border. The receiver is placed on the screen, the front camera seems to have no place in this design. At least, there is no visible selfie camera to be seen, nor is there a pop-up camera system. The front camera may be processed in the screen.

The rear of this new smartphone is dominated by a large camera lens. In addition, there is a clear grip, which means you can control the device better and more stable. The shutter release button is located on the side of the device. Ideal for taking landscape photos, so you can hold the device and operate it as a regular compact camera. Whether it is also possible to change lenses is unfortunately not clear from the patent description.

The design is somewhat reminiscent of the Samsung Galaxy K Zoom from 2014. However, the HiSense smartphone has a very contemporary design, with a large screen-filling and a thin case. At the bottom, there is also room for a 3.5mm headphone jack.

Whether the Chinese manufacturer actually intends to release this new smartphone design is as yet unknown. In any case, the company seems to be investigating the possibilities of introducing a more distinctive design. Earlier this year, the company also patented a HiSense smartphone with hexagon design.

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